Thursday 4 July 2019

VOKI avatar

Practice pronunciation with your own avatar using VOKI :)

Our virtual reality classroom

Real practice in class :)
We use Cardboard Camera to create our own virtual images.


Interesting virtual reality videos: Google Expeditions

1. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: after reading the book, students can have a look at the expedition and learn new details about it. They can create a Kahoot with some data from the video.

2. 7 Wonders of the World: students can learn geography and general culture from this interesting virtual reality video. They would be able to answer a Google Forms with some questions about it.

3. A Dickens Christmas: For Christmas we could watch this video in class and comment UK traditions and also study parts of the house and furniture.

4. A First Look at College: For 2nd batxillerat students, for them to get familiar with their near future. They could create a Padlet with the most interesting ideas and useful information.

5. Climate Change: Students can watch the video, comment it with the class and create posters using Canva or Postermywall with possible ways to help and protect the environment.

How can we apply augmented reality in class?

Let's try something new and original to motivate and encourage our students in language learning!
We can use apps like BLIPPAR or QUIVER to get into augmented reality.

We can learn new things about the United Kingdom and their celebrations, among many other things, through these apps.